Year Level:
Number and Algebra Content Descriptors:
Number and Place Value
Achievement Standards
Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point
1-100 chart
Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond
1-100 chart
Subitise small collections of objects
Sherrifs and Bandits (coming soon)
Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero
1-100 chart
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line
1-100 chart
Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value
1-100 chart, Number path (Addition and Subtraction)
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts
Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Longest Line, Flick 4
Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences
1-100 chart
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000
In the middle (coming soon)
Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting
In the middle (coming soon)
Explore the connection between addition and subtraction
1-100 chart, Number path (Addition and Subtraction)
Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies
Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Ten Thousandn (on Addition & Subtraction chart), Longest Line, Flick 4
Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays
Flick 4, Rektangles
Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers
Guess the number, 1-100 chart
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least Ten Thousand
Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10 000 to assist calculations and solve problems
Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Ten Thousand
Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction
Number path (Addition and Subtraction)
Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation
Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Longest Line, Flick 4
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts
Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies
Humans vs Aliens, Longest Line, Flick 4
Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts
Humans vs Aliens, Number Knockout
Investigate and use the properties of odd and even numbers
Guess the number, Algebra grid
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands
Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems
Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand
Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers
Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder
Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers
Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems
Number path (Factors and Multiples), Guess the number
Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations
Solve problems involving division by a one digit number
Number path (Factors and Multiples)
Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems
Number Path, Humans vs Aliens, Ten Thousand
Identify and describe properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers
Guess the number
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers
Number Knockout, Equation smasher, Humans vs Aliens, Ten Thousand
Investigate index notation
Tag (Scientific notation extension)
Investigate and use square roots of perfect square numbers
Guess the number (Indices)
Compare, order, add and subtract integers
Guess the number, Number path (addition and subtraction), Ten Thousand
Use index notation with numbers
Tag (Scientific notation extension)
Carry out the four operations with rational numbers and integers, using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies
Equation smasher, Number Knockout
Fractions and Decimals
Achievement Standards
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole
Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections
Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw
Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole
The One, Fraction towers
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts
Fraction See-Saw
Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line
Fraction towers
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation
Tag, Guesstimation
Compare and order common unit fractions
Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers, The One
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers
Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths
Tag, Billionaire or bust, Gold Diggers
Compare, order and represent decimals
The One, Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers
Compare fractions with related denominators
The One, Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators
The One, Fraction towers
Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies
The One
Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers
Fraction towers
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10
Tag, Billionaire or bust
Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
The One, Fraction towers
Real Numbers
Achievement Standards
Compare fractions using equivalence
Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers, The One, Guess the (Fraction, Decimal, Percentage)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions, including those with unrelated denominators
Fraction towers, The One
Express one quantity as a fraction of another, with and without the use of digital technologies
The One, Fraction See-Saw
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions
Fraction towers, The One, Guess the (Fraction, Decimal, Percentage)
Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of another, with and without digital technologies
Ca$hed up
Solve problems involving the use of percentages, including percentage increases and decreases, with and without digital technologies
Ca$hed up
Apply index laws to numerical expressions with integer indices
Billionaire or bust (Scientific notation)
Express numbers in scientific notation
Billionaire or bust (Scientific notation)
Define rational and irrational numbers and perform operations with surds and fractional indices
Guess the number
Money and Financial Maths
Achievement Standards
Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies
Speedy Shoppers
Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies
Speedy Shoppers, Cashed up
Investigate and calculate ‘best buys’, with and without digital technologies
Speedy Shoppers
Solve problems involving simple interest
Ca$hed up
Connect the compound interest formula to repeated applications of simple interest using appropriate digital technologies
Ca$hed up
Patterns and Algebra
Achievement Standards
Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications
Guess the shape
Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings
Tesselate it (using Geo-board)
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole
Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw
Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects
1-100 chart
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections
Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw
Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements
1-100 chart
Describe, continue, and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction
Race to 100, 1-100 chart
Explore and describe number patterns resulting from performing multiplication
Number path (Factors and Multiples)
Use equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction to find unknown quantities
Switch, snitch and steal
Describe, continue and create patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtraction
Fraction towers, 1-100 Chart, Gold Diggers
Explore the use of brackets and order of operations to write number sentences
Equation Smasher
Introduce the concept of variables as a way of representing numbers using letters
Find my X, Algebingo
Create algebraic expressions and evaluate them by substituting a given value for each variable
Find my X (create your own equations)
Extend and apply laws and properties of arithmetic to algebraic terms and expressions
Algebingo, Inverse Bingo
Simplify algebraic expressions involving the four operations
Algebingo, Inverse Bingo, Find my X
Apply the four operations to simple algebraic fractions with numerical denominators
Find my X
Linear and Non-Linear Relationships
Achievement Standards
Given coordinates, plot points on the Cartesian plane, and find coordinates for a given point
Cartesian Battleship
Solve simple linear equations
Cartesian Battleship
Plot linear relationships on the Cartesian plane with and without the use of digital technologies
Cartesian plane board
Solve linear equations using algebraic and graphical techniques. Verify solutions by substitution
Cartesian Battleship
Find the distance between two points located on a Cartesian plane using a range of strategies, including graphing software
Cartesian Battleship
Sketch linear graphs using the coordinates of two points and solve linear equations
Cartesian Battleship
Solve problems involving linear equations, including those derived from formulas
Cartesian Battleship
Solve linear equations involving simple algebraic fractions
Cartesian Battleship
Number and Place Value
Achievement Standards | Games |
Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point | 1-100 chart |
Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond | 1-100 chart |
Subitise small collections of objects | Sherrifs and Bandits (coming soon) |
Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones from any starting point. Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero | 1-100 chart |
Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number line | 1-100 chart |
Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value | 1-100 chart, Number path (Addition and Subtraction) |
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts | Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Longest Line, Flick 4 |
Investigate number sequences, initially those increasing and decreasing by twos, threes, fives and ten from any starting point, then moving to other sequences | 1-100 chart |
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 | In the middle (coming soon) |
Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting | In the middle (coming soon) |
Explore the connection between addition and subtraction | 1-100 chart, Number path (Addition and Subtraction) |
Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies | Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Ten Thousandn (on Addition & Subtraction chart), Longest Line, Flick 4 |
Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays | Flick 4, Rektangles |
Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or even and identify odd and even numbers | Guess the number, 1-100 chart |
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least Ten Thousand | Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand |
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least 10 000 to assist calculations and solve problems | Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Ten Thousand |
Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction | Number path (Addition and Subtraction) |
Recall addition facts for single-digit numbers and related subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental strategies for computation | Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Addition and Subtraction), Longest Line, Flick 4 |
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts | Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers |
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies | Humans vs Aliens, Longest Line, Flick 4 |
Recall multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and related division facts | Humans vs Aliens, Number Knockout |
Investigate and use the properties of odd and even numbers | Guess the number, Algebra grid |
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of thousands | Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand |
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve problems | Piggy in the middle, Gold Diggers, Billionaire or bust, Tag (use smaller boundaries), Ten Thousand |
Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 | Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers |
Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder | Humans vs Aliens, Number path (Factors and Multiples), Longest Line, Flick 4, Code Breakers |
Identify and describe factors and multiples of whole numbers and use them to solve problems | Number path (Factors and Multiples), Guess the number |
Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations | Guesstimation |
Solve problems involving division by a one digit number | Number path (Factors and Multiples) |
Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems | Number Path, Humans vs Aliens, Ten Thousand |
Identify and describe properties of prime, composite, square and triangular numbers | Guess the number |
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving all four operations with whole numbers | Number Knockout, Equation smasher, Humans vs Aliens, Ten Thousand |
Investigate index notation | Tag (Scientific notation extension) |
Investigate and use square roots of perfect square numbers | Guess the number (Indices) |
Compare, order, add and subtract integers | Guess the number, Number path (addition and subtraction), Ten Thousand |
Use index notation with numbers | Tag (Scientific notation extension) |
Carry out the four operations with rational numbers and integers, using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies | Equation smasher, Number Knockout |
Fractions and Decimals
Achievement Standards | Games |
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole | Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw |
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections | Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw |
Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole | The One, Fraction towers |
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts | Fraction See-Saw |
Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line | Fraction towers |
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions and decimal notation | Tag, Guesstimation |
Compare and order common unit fractions | Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers, The One |
Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator | Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers |
Recognise that the place value system can be extended beyond hundredths | Tag, Billionaire or bust, Gold Diggers |
Compare, order and represent decimals | The One, Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers |
Compare fractions with related denominators | The One, Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw |
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same or related denominators | The One, Fraction towers |
Find a simple fraction of a quantity where the result is a whole number, with and without digital technologies | The One |
Add and subtract decimals, with and without digital technologies, and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers | Fraction towers |
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10 | Tag, Billionaire or bust |
Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages | The One, Fraction towers |
Real Numbers
Achievement Standards | Games |
Compare fractions using equivalence | Fraction See-Saw, Fraction towers, The One, Guess the (Fraction, Decimal, Percentage) |
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions, including those with unrelated denominators | Fraction towers, The One |
Express one quantity as a fraction of another, with and without the use of digital technologies | The One, Fraction See-Saw |
Round decimals to a specified number of decimal places | Guesstimation |
Connect fractions, decimals and percentages and carry out simple conversions | Fraction towers, The One, Guess the (Fraction, Decimal, Percentage) |
Find percentages of quantities and express one quantity as a percentage of another, with and without digital technologies | Ca$hed up |
Solve problems involving the use of percentages, including percentage increases and decreases, with and without digital technologies | Ca$hed up |
Apply index laws to numerical expressions with integer indices | Billionaire or bust (Scientific notation) |
Express numbers in scientific notation | Billionaire or bust (Scientific notation) |
Define rational and irrational numbers and perform operations with surds and fractional indices | Guess the number |
Money and Financial Maths
Achievement Standards | Games |
Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change to the nearest five cents with and without digital technologies | Speedy Shoppers |
Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies | Speedy Shoppers, Cashed up |
Investigate and calculate ‘best buys’, with and without digital technologies | Speedy Shoppers |
Solve problems involving simple interest | Ca$hed up |
Connect the compound interest formula to repeated applications of simple interest using appropriate digital technologies | Ca$hed up |
Patterns and Algebra
Achievement Standards | Games |
Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications | Guess the shape |
Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings | Tesselate it (using Geo-board) |
Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole | Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw |
Investigate and describe number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns with objects | 1-100 chart |
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections | Fraction towers, Fraction See-Saw |
Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements | 1-100 chart |
Describe, continue, and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction | Race to 100, 1-100 chart |
Explore and describe number patterns resulting from performing multiplication | Number path (Factors and Multiples) |
Use equivalent number sentences involving addition and subtraction to find unknown quantities | Switch, snitch and steal |
Describe, continue and create patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtraction | Fraction towers, 1-100 Chart, Gold Diggers |
Explore the use of brackets and order of operations to write number sentences | Equation Smasher |
Introduce the concept of variables as a way of representing numbers using letters | Find my X, Algebingo |
Create algebraic expressions and evaluate them by substituting a given value for each variable | Find my X (create your own equations) |
Extend and apply laws and properties of arithmetic to algebraic terms and expressions | Algebingo, Inverse Bingo |
Simplify algebraic expressions involving the four operations | Algebingo, Inverse Bingo, Find my X |
Apply the four operations to simple algebraic fractions with numerical denominators | Find my X |
Linear and Non-Linear Relationships
Achievement Standards | Games |
Given coordinates, plot points on the Cartesian plane, and find coordinates for a given point | Cartesian Battleship |
Solve simple linear equations | Cartesian Battleship |
Plot linear relationships on the Cartesian plane with and without the use of digital technologies | Cartesian plane board |
Solve linear equations using algebraic and graphical techniques. Verify solutions by substitution | Cartesian Battleship |
Find the distance between two points located on a Cartesian plane using a range of strategies, including graphing software | Cartesian Battleship |
Sketch linear graphs using the coordinates of two points and solve linear equations | Cartesian Battleship |
Solve problems involving linear equations, including those derived from formulas | Cartesian Battleship |
Solve linear equations involving simple algebraic fractions | Cartesian Battleship |
Measurement and Geometry Content Descriptors:
Using Units of Measurement
Achievement Standards
Tell time to the halfhour
Guess the Time
Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to’
Guess the Time
Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time
Guess the time
Convert between units of time
Guess the time
Use am and pm notation and solve simple time problems
Guess the time
Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume
Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass
Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles using familiar metric units
Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geoboard, Guess the Shape
Compare 12- and 24-hour time systems and convert between them
Guess the time
Connect decimal representations to the metric system
Convert between common metric units of length, mass and capacity
Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths and areas using appropriate units
Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geoboard
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms and use these in problem solving
Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw
Find perimeters and areas of parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites
Pictionarea, Robo-draw
Calculate the areas of composite shapes
Pictionarea, Robo-draw
Investigate very small and very large time scales and intervals
Achievement Standards
Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features
Guess the Shape
Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies
Geoboard, Rektangles
Describe the features of threedimensional objects
Guess the Shape
Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means
Pictionarea, Robo-draw
Compare and describe two dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies
Pictionarea, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geo-board
Location and Transformation
Achievement Standards
Give and follow directions to familiar location
Space Commander, Treasure Hunt (coming soon)
Investigate the effect of one-step slides and flips with and without digital technologies
Pentris“> Pentris
Identify and describe half and quarter turns
Space Commander, Pentris“> Pentris
Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways
Space Commander, Treasure Hunt (colder/warmer)
Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps
Treasure Hunt (colder/warmer)
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies
Spell it, Pentris, Robo-draw (coming soon), Think Square overlay
Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language
Space Commander, Cartesian Battleship
Describe translations, reflections and rotations of two-dimensional shapes. Identify line and rotational symmetries
Pentris, Spell it, Bridge to 200, Space Commander, Robo-draw (coming soon)
Apply the enlargement transformation to familiar two dimensional shapes and explore the properties of the resulting image compared with the original
Robo-draw (advanced)
Investigate combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, with and without the use of digital technologies
Pentris, Spell it, Bridge to 200, Space Commander
Introduce the Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants
Cartesian Plane board
Describe translations, reflections in an axis, and rotations of multiples of 90° on the Cartesian plane using coordinates. Identify line and rotational symmetries
Space Commander, Cartesian plane board
Geometric Reasoning
Achievement Standards
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle
Guess the angle
Compare angles
Guess the angle
Classify triangles according to their side and angle properties and describe quadrilaterals
Guess the shape
Demonstrate that the angle sum of a triangle is 180° and use this to find the angle sum of a quadrilateral
Think Square overlay / Geo-board
Establish properties of quadrilaterals using congruent triangles and angle properties, and solve related numerical problems using reasoning
Think Square overlay / Geo-board
Use the enlargement transformation to explain similarity and develop the conditions for triangles to be similar
Think Square overlay / Geo-board
Solve problems using ratio and scale factors in similar figures
Think Square overlay / Geo-board
Pythagoras and Trigonometry
Achievement Standards
Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles
Cartesian Battleship
Use similarity to investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-angled triangles
Cartesian Battleship (Trigonometry extension – find the launch angle)
Apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems
Cartesian Battleship (Trigonometry extension – find the launch angle)
Solve right-angled triangle problems
Caretesian Battleship, Think Square overlay / Geoboard
Using Units of Measurement
Achievement Standards | Games |
Tell time to the halfhour | Guess the Time |
Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of ‘past’ and ‘to’ | Guess the Time |
Tell time to the minute and investigate the relationship between units of time | Guess the time |
Convert between units of time | Guess the time |
Use am and pm notation and solve simple time problems | Guess the time |
Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volume | Guesstimation |
Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass | Guesstimation |
Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles using familiar metric units | Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geoboard, Guess the Shape |
Compare 12- and 24-hour time systems and convert between them | Guess the time |
Connect decimal representations to the metric system | Guesstimation |
Convert between common metric units of length, mass and capacity | Guesstimation |
Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths and areas using appropriate units | Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geoboard |
Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms and use these in problem solving | Pictionarea, Rektangles, Robo-draw |
Find perimeters and areas of parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites | Pictionarea, Robo-draw |
Calculate the areas of composite shapes | Pictionarea, Robo-draw |
Investigate very small and very large time scales and intervals | Guesstimation |
Achievement Standards | Games |
Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features | Guess the Shape |
Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies | Geoboard, Rektangles |
Describe the features of threedimensional objects | Guess the Shape |
Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means | Pictionarea, Robo-draw |
Compare and describe two dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies | Pictionarea, Robo-draw, Think Square overlay / Geo-board |
Location and Transformation
Achievement Standards | Games |
Give and follow directions to familiar location | Space Commander, Treasure Hunt (coming soon) |
Investigate the effect of one-step slides and flips with and without digital technologies | Pentris“> Pentris |
Identify and describe half and quarter turns | Space Commander, Pentris“> Pentris |
Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways | Space Commander, Treasure Hunt (colder/warmer) |
Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps | Treasure Hunt (colder/warmer) |
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies | Spell it, Pentris, Robo-draw (coming soon), Think Square overlay |
Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language | Space Commander, Cartesian Battleship |
Describe translations, reflections and rotations of two-dimensional shapes. Identify line and rotational symmetries | Pentris, Spell it, Bridge to 200, Space Commander, Robo-draw (coming soon) |
Apply the enlargement transformation to familiar two dimensional shapes and explore the properties of the resulting image compared with the original | Robo-draw (advanced) |
Investigate combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, with and without the use of digital technologies | Pentris, Spell it, Bridge to 200, Space Commander |
Introduce the Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants | Cartesian Plane board |
Describe translations, reflections in an axis, and rotations of multiples of 90° on the Cartesian plane using coordinates. Identify line and rotational symmetries | Space Commander, Cartesian plane board |
Geometric Reasoning
Achievement Standards | Games |
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle | Guess the angle |
Compare angles | Guess the angle |
Classify triangles according to their side and angle properties and describe quadrilaterals | Guess the shape |
Demonstrate that the angle sum of a triangle is 180° and use this to find the angle sum of a quadrilateral | Think Square overlay / Geo-board |
Establish properties of quadrilaterals using congruent triangles and angle properties, and solve related numerical problems using reasoning | Think Square overlay / Geo-board |
Use the enlargement transformation to explain similarity and develop the conditions for triangles to be similar | Think Square overlay / Geo-board |
Solve problems using ratio and scale factors in similar figures | Think Square overlay / Geo-board |
Pythagoras and Trigonometry
Achievement Standards | Games |
Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles | Cartesian Battleship |
Use similarity to investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-angled triangles | Cartesian Battleship (Trigonometry extension – find the launch angle) |
Apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems | Cartesian Battleship (Trigonometry extension – find the launch angle) |
Solve right-angled triangle problems | Caretesian Battleship, Think Square overlay / Geoboard |
Statistics and Probability Content Descriptors:
Achievement Standards
Conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in results
Describe probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages
Animolympics, Highs and Lows, Ca$hed up, Algebingo, Inverse Bingo,
Compare observed frequencies across experiments with expected frequencies
Assign probabilities to the outcomes of events and determine probabilities for events
Describe events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both) and ‘and’
Animolympics, Highs and Lows, Ca$hed up
List all outcomes for two-step chance experiments, both with and without replacement using tree diagrams or arrays. Assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities for events
Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows
Calculate relative frequencies from given or collected data to estimate probabilities of events involving ‘and’ or ‘or’
Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows
Describe the results of two and three-step chance experiments, both with and without replacements, assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities of events. Investigate the concept of independence
Use the language of ‘if…then’, ‘given’, ‘of’, ‘knowing that’ to investigate conditional statements and identify common mistakes in interpreting such language
Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows, Guess the number, Bridge to 200, Speedy Shoppers, Flick 4
Data Representation and Interpretation
Achievement Standards
Choose simple questions and gather responses
Reverse Survey (coming soon)
Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays
Reverse Survey (coming soon)
Identify a question of interest based on one categorical variable. Gather data relevant to the question
Reverse Survey (coming soon)
Collect, check and classify data
Reverse Survey (coming soon)
Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them
Reverse Survey (coming soon)
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies
Construct suitable data displays, with and without digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent many data values
Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or survey
Construct displays, including column graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies
Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables
Identify and investigate issues involving numerical data collected from primary and secondary sources
Calculate mean, median, mode and range for sets of data. Interpret these statistics in the context of data
Fact Finder, Flick a Fact
Explore the practicalities and implications of obtaining data through sampling using a variety of investigative processes
Investigate the effect of individual data values, including outliers, on the mean and median
Flick a Fact
Achievement Standards | Games |
Conduct chance experiments, identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in results | Animolympics |
Describe probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages | Animolympics, Highs and Lows, Ca$hed up, Algebingo, Inverse Bingo, |
Compare observed frequencies across experiments with expected frequencies | Animolympics |
Assign probabilities to the outcomes of events and determine probabilities for events | Animolympics |
Describe events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both) and ‘and’ | Animolympics, Highs and Lows, Ca$hed up |
List all outcomes for two-step chance experiments, both with and without replacement using tree diagrams or arrays. Assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities for events | Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows |
Calculate relative frequencies from given or collected data to estimate probabilities of events involving ‘and’ or ‘or’ | Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows |
Describe the results of two and three-step chance experiments, both with and without replacements, assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities of events. Investigate the concept of independence | Animolympics |
Use the language of ‘if…then’, ‘given’, ‘of’, ‘knowing that’ to investigate conditional statements and identify common mistakes in interpreting such language | Animolympics, Ca$hed up, Highs and Lows, Guess the number, Bridge to 200, Speedy Shoppers, Flick 4 |
Data Representation and Interpretation
Achievement Standards | Games |
Choose simple questions and gather responses | Reverse Survey (coming soon) |
Represent data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describe the displays | Reverse Survey (coming soon) |
Identify a question of interest based on one categorical variable. Gather data relevant to the question | Reverse Survey (coming soon) |
Collect, check and classify data | Reverse Survey (coming soon) |
Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them | Reverse Survey (coming soon) |
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies | Animolympics |
Construct suitable data displays, with and without digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables, column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent many data values | Animolympics |
Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or survey | Animolympics |
Construct displays, including column graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies | Animolympics |
Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables | Animolympics |
Identify and investigate issues involving numerical data collected from primary and secondary sources | Animolympics |
Calculate mean, median, mode and range for sets of data. Interpret these statistics in the context of data | Fact Finder, Flick a Fact |
Explore the practicalities and implications of obtaining data through sampling using a variety of investigative processes | Animolympics |
Investigate the effect of individual data values, including outliers, on the mean and median | Flick a Fact |